No, zombies are not roaming free in the streets — yet. Actually, you might want to check before blindly believing that statement. Back to the point…In order to celebrate Zombtember (yeah, I kinda made that up) and the release of the second book in the I Zombie series, My Zombie My, I am officially making I Zombie I free for the month of September, er, I mean Zombtember!
As of right now you can hop over to Smashwords and download your free copy of the mind nommingly delicious, I Zombie I. Get it now and read it now, because you will not want to miss out on all the thrills and chills that is My Zombie My!
Soon both Barnes & Noble and Amazon will be listing I Zombie I for free. Let me warn you, remember what the release of Lady Gagas latest recording did to the Amazon servers — it could very well happen with I Zombie I.
It could…really! Don’t believe me? Try it. Download your copy now and see if the ‘Zon cloud hasn’t been Gaga’d.
Just in case you’re not sure what I Zombie I is, here’s the description:
“The virus has spread.”
In a moment of pure chaos, the majority of the Earth’s population has become the walking dead. One man promises to help bring the truth to light.
“The lies have spread.”
When journalist Jacob Plummer is infected, Jacob turns to the written word to not only ease the pain of change, but to bring to surface a truth far deeper and deadlier than anyone could have imagined.
“The truth must now be spread.”
With the help of a rag-tag group of survivors, Jacob helps to fight off the growing undead horde in hopes of saving himself and the planet from the rot growing within.
If that’s not enough, how’s about a bit of praise for I Zombie I:
“…as for “I Zombie I,” it’s completely ridiculous, BUT (and that is a really big but so pay attention) in a completely wonderful way. Incorporating the sarcastic humor of say… “Shaun of the Dead” and the desperation of “28 Days Later” Wallen managed to blaze a path that felt both original, and undeniably refreshing.”
“Opting for sarcasm over pure terror made this one of the funniest books I have read in a while, and in doing so, captured a (very highly coveted) place in my zombie hall of fame. No worries though… this book was NOT all about blood slushys and sound bombs, there WAS a deeper story intertwined, one of hope, love, and the recognization of loneliness, making this a well rounded and spectacularly written piece of literature.”
The second book in the series, My Zombie My, will be releasing mid-to-late Zombtember. The final book in the trilogy, Die Zombie Die, will release in November, er, I mean Zombvember. Be prepared, be very prepared.