What happens now?

Last night, around 10:00 PM EST, I received word from Amazon that Suicide Station was not selected to represent Kindle Press. After picking my heart up from the floor, my first question was the quickest to be answered. That question? “What happens now?” The answer?

Business as usual.

So this morning, first thing, I entered all the information into my Kindle Direct Publishing dashboard for Suicide Station. I had everything ready to go (considering Kindle Scout was a long shot anyway), so within fifteen minutes, it was pending review.

And now…I once again wait on Amazon. This time, however, I’m just waiting for them to publish the book. That should happen within the next 24 hours. I opted to not bother with the whole business of pre-orders, as everyone already knows about the book and is excited to read it.

Unfortunately, for all of those that nominated Suicide Station, that promise of a free copy went down the drain when it was nixed by Kindle Scout. But $3.99 (for a book you will love) will only set you back a Starbucks Latte or so.

I will also be getting the paperback ready as soon as possible. And, to pique your interests even more, now that Amazon has no control over any of the rights for Suicide Station, I plan on making it the first of my novels that I will be recording for Audible. Had the book been selected by Kindle Scout, they would have held the audiobook rights and selected the narrator. This way, yours truly gets to put his voice to the Suicide Station task.

My current audiobook queue has about six books in line, so it’ll take some time before I can get to Suicide Station…but it will happen.

Up next

lament_coverThe next trick up my sleeve is my first-ever cyberpunk novel, Lament. That book is currently in the hands of my wonderful editor and should find its way to publication some time in May. If you’re a fan of the genre (or sci-fi in general), I promise you’ll enjoy this ride.

To tease you with this up coming release, I wanted to surprise everyone with the Lament cover reveal.

The story of Lament pits a group of hackers against Big Data and Big Pharma as humans have become addicted to pumping data streams into their system.

The tagline for the book is “Reality is relative”.

I’m so thrilled my upcoming releases consists of two of my all-time favorite books I have written.

Suicide Station and Lament are very special to me (for so many reasons).

I cannot wait for you to get your hands on them.

Until then, keep reading and keep supporting indie artists.