Twelve days of Christmas: Zombie Style

Ho Ho Hello! It’s the holidays and even the Jackverse isn’t immune. And when you think of the holidays, the first thing to come to mind is the Twelve Days of Christmas. Granted I always hear Bob and Doug McKenzie singing their version of the song. But! It’s time for a version of that song to go along with the I Zombie series. And so, my lovely lords and lordesses of leaping… let’s on with song! Drink, and be Mary. Oh shoo…

On the first day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: A horde of nomming zombies.

On the second day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 2 viruses

On the third day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 3 failed cures

On the fourth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 4 horsemen

On the fifth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 5 grenades

On the sixth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 6 grave diggers

On the seventh day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 7 sallow bodies

On the eighth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 8 plagues a spreading

On the ninth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 9 ladies dying

On the tenth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 10 lurching humans

On the eleventh day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 11 barbed wire fences

On the twelfth day of Christmas, the Zero Day gave to me: 12 bug out bags

Ahh Christmas. A time for family, caroling, and of course — zombies. Thank you Zero Day Collective for bringing about the apocalypse, so that we can share this special moment.