That’s right lovelies and gentlemints of the Jackverse — zombies have taken over Louisville, Kentucky. Or at least that’s what one construction sign would have us believe. Of course, we all know that I believe! And boy do I believe. The zombies will arrive…no, actually they already have arrived. Only […]
Zombie Radio
Zombies!!! That’s right, they’re real now. The news is as old as your grandmas granny panties (redundant much?), but it’s so bizarre to most that people seem to be having trouble wrapping their living brain tissue around it. The scene was just as if it were pulled from the I […]
Deny it all you want, zombies are officially real!
The Zombie King must abide his loyal subjects. One way I can lavish my lovelies is by keeping you apprised of the zombie goings on for this coming summer. So hold on to your brains (else they get nomm’d)… here’s the list. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Summer Zombie Events
Lie Zombie Lie is the forth book in the I Zombie series of post-apocalyptic zombie novels written by, yours truly, Jack Wallen. Here, Jack reads the first few pages of this soon to be published work for a sneak peak at what is to come! Enjoy a little Zombie Theatre! […]
Zombie Theatre: Lie Zombie Lie

And now… it’s time to get undead with fellow zombie author, Julianne Snow. Are you ready to get your brains nommed? Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Julianne Snow gets Jack’d

Science. Who doesn’t love science (besides the Creationists)? Science is our friend and it helps us to not only improve our lives, but helps to understand how things work. Of course, in some instances, science can wreak a little special flavor of havoc on our lives. One such way is […]
The science of zombies

That’s right my squee-tastic readers, the entire I Zombie trilogy has been enshrined in a single tome. And you get get that book, with the lovely new cover, created by yours truly, at the usual stops. But you need to know more don’t you? Of course you do. So hop […]
I Zombie: The Collection is now Live (and Undead)

I want to preface this by saying, I love the show. Not only is it giving credibility to a genre near and dear to my heart (as well as giving me the hopes that the I Zombie trilogy will someday soon make its way to the screen). So it is […]
Humpday Horror: Mistakes made on The Walking Dead
That’s right my lovelies, it has finally happened — the apocalyptic nightmare began in I Zombie I has continued to wreak havoc on the planet in the form of My Zombie My. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
My Zombie My is now (un)live!

Since I Zombie I was pushed to “free” status on, it has been slowly climbing up the rank and file of the horror genre. Currently it stands at #3 in Occult and #10 in Horror. This is big and all part of my master plan (insert ominous Bwahaha here). […]
I Zombie I climbing the ranks
I don’t pimp Zombie Radio nearly enough, but what I have coming up needs a pimpin’. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Something special this way comes (to Zombie Radio)

Hello lovely, sexy, delicious, and all around wonderful readers! It’s time for a giveaway. This time, the giveaway has a catch — but it’s a fun catch because that catch will get you mentioned on the thrilling Zombie Radio! Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Submit an email and win a book

I don’t know if you lovely readers are aware, but I started (thanks to the brilliant idea of beta reader extraordinaire, Kirk Fields) a podcast to help bring the “I Zombie” trilogy to the masses with the help of the human voice. This Zombie Radio podcast is another reading of a […]