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zombie horror
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I Zombie I Audio: Chapter 6
I Zombie I: Chapter 4 Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
I Zombie I Audio Book: Chapter 4
Chapter 3 of I Zombie I Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
I Zombie I Audio Book: Chapter 3
Chapter 2 of I Zombie I Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
I Zombie I Audio Book: Chapter 2
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Zombie Radio — 12 Days of Christmas: Zombie style!
The first chapter of I Zombie I, by Jack Wallen Narration by: Jack Wallen Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
I Zombie I Audio Book: Chapter 1

Yes, I am openly admitting that I spent countless hours of my youth (eh hem…) sitting at a table, dice in hand, battling ogres, demons, and dragons. It’s a badge I wear with pride because all of those D&D (AD&D, Vampire: The Masquerade, Heroes, and more) campaigns taught me how […]
How Dungeons & Dragons taught me to survive the apocalypse
Here in the Jackverse I often have cool bits of news to report. But this time around, I have something so incredibly, insanely, ridiculously awesome… you might fall to bits upon reading the words. So I preface this announcement with a warning — please put on your best straight jacket […]
News made of awesome
Oh how I have longed for this moment! Here, for your listening pleasure is the full-blown, insanely cool, smexy-sounds of the Zombie Response Team interviewing good ol’ Jack. Do enjoy. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Zombie Response Team Interviews Jack

As promised, I now offer you up questions sent in by readers/fans and answered by Jack/Wallen. This will be an on-going, regular-type feature here on Get Jack’d, so don’t think it’s too late to get your questions in. All you have to do is send in an email to me […]
Your first “Ask Jack”

This coming weekend, the fourth installment of the I Zombie series goes live! That’s right, you can get your hands on the latest adventures of Bethany Nitshimi in a few short days. This particular release is of significance for a number of reasons. Shall we count the ways? Oh lets. […]
Are you prepared for the lies?
That’s right lovelies and gentlemints of the Jackverse — zombies have taken over Louisville, Kentucky. Or at least that’s what one construction sign would have us believe. Of course, we all know that I believe! And boy do I believe. The zombies will arrive…no, actually they already have arrived. Only […]
Beware: Zombies Ahead
Zombies!!! That’s right, they’re real now. The news is as old as your grandmas granny panties (redundant much?), but it’s so bizarre to most that people seem to be having trouble wrapping their living brain tissue around it. The scene was just as if it were pulled from the I […]
Deny it all you want, zombies are officially real!
Last night, I was brushing my teeth when it hit me — an idea for a new book. No, the new book had squadoosh to do with brushing teeth, dentifrice, flouride, choppers, or teeth in general. The idea, however, excited the crap out of me (and the toothpaste, as I […]