super heroes

Tick, tock, tick tock — the clock is about to strike and Shero is about to be unleashed onto the reading public. Why is that so important? Shero is chic-lit, with a twist (a BIG twist) of gender-bending, super hero hilarity. The full-blown novel will hit the shelves this month, […]

Sample Sunday: Shero

Very soon I am going to lay down the gauntlet and get professional on the ebook publishing world. Before that happens, I need to find a good blog tour. What is a blog tour? Simple, a writer finds various blogs that suits his genre and goes guest blogs on the […]

Looking for blog tour

For anyone hoping to be a successful writer, I have these words to impart. You must be patient if you want to ever have any success. Why do I say this? You can look around the landscape and find all sorts of indie authors who are enjoy loads of success. […]

With patience, success will come