The first word on Klockwerk Kabaret is in and it’s a hit! The “Revenge Honey” from Horror Honeys drew first blood from my first steampunk novel and the blood was delicious. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
science fiction
For the weekend of August 16-18, 2013, Klockwerk Kabaret can be downloaded for free from! Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Klockwerk Kabaret has arrived!
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Klockwerk Kabaret: Another video treatment
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Klockwerk Kabaret: First peek video
After doing a grueling twelve hour mountain bike race last Saturday, the next day was all about finally seeing the movie that has had more hype than any other sci-fi film since Lucas released the first of the Star Wars prequels. And instead of going home thinking “What was he […]
Prometheus: Scott shows Lucas how to do the prequel

My last Fabulous Friday (about the ever-glorious George Takei) inspired a new Fabulous Friday, one that I might well come to regret. I was wondering — in a fight to the death, who would win: Star Wars Star Trek Battle Star Galactica (NOT the original series, but the reboot) Firefly […]