There are but two things I go fanboy over — Clive Barker and Rush. And today, something special came in the mail. No it’s not a Geddy Lee autographed “Slappin’ da bass mahn” Rickenbacher bass — it was the newly released remastered version of Rush’s Vapor Trails album. This was […]
“If music be the food of life, play on!” I make no bones about the fact that music is precious cargo to me. To that end, I decided, for whatever reason, to list out my favorite songs of the year, starting with my high school graduation date to the current […]
Favorite Songs of the Year 1986-2013

As you know, I’m a huge Rush fan. I have been since eighth grade (that’d be around 1982 — in case curiosity got your inner cat). I thought it’d be a cool little exercise to list out one favorite song from each of their studio albums. You can then put […]
My favorite song from each Rush studio recording

I am a HUGE music lover. Music of all kinds. It truly is the food of love (and my life). At any given point, I could rattle off the “soundtrack to my life”. In other words — the music that helps to define a particular moment in time for me […]
The (current) soundtrack to my life
Don’t deny it, you were waiting for a post of this design. The thrill of knowing just what Jack… okay, I can’t continue the thread of that thought with a serious face. 😉 But what I can do is share with you my top “stuff” for 2012. This can cover […]
My Top “Stuff” for 2012
As everyone in the Jackverse knows, I am a huge Rush fan and have been since I was in middle school. Recently they released their twentieth studio album (that’s right — 20). The power trio from Canada had released three of the songs from the recording as singles: Caravan BU2B […]