
The Indie Eclective: What is it, who are they, and why can they spell neither “eclectic” nor “collective” correctly? The Indie Eclective is an ensemble of authors operating under the assumption that Readers like Good Books. The Halloween Collection showcases spooky reads from nine very different authors. Follow Email PostShare […]

Get the Indie Eclective Halloween Collection now

Recently I had been torn about what to write next. I finished the first draft of Die Zombie Die, which meant I was now ready to start writing something new (I always have a first draft and first rewrites going at once). I developed two new ideas: A new zombie […]

Back to the Fringe Killers: Feels like coming home

Today is #samplesunday again and this time I am treating you will snippet from my first paranormal thriller, Gothica. For those of you who do not know of Gothica, the description reads a little something like this: In the second book of the “Fringe Killer” series, Detective Davenport finds herself […]

Sample Sunday: Gothica

Could it be Sunday already? If so, that could only mean one thing: Sample Sunday! That’s right everyone — Sample Sunday, that day where indie authors post up samples of their work for you to read and enjoy. This time I dug deep into the heart of my paranormal thriller, […]

Sample Sunday: Gothica

Here’s another sample for your #SampleSunday pleasure. This is from my latest book, Gothica. Gothica is a paranormal thriller in the Fringe Killer series. For the curious, here’s the description: A killer from the past manages to escape the bonds of time and redefines “horror” for Jamie Davenport. In this […]

Sample Sunday: Gothica