This short story was inspired by Clive Barker’s Nightbreed. It has never been published and never seen by the eyes of the public…until now. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
When I first read the news, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Let me lay this Prada bag of gory glory down on you so you can raise your hands and your voice in celebration: Clive Barker is attempting to bring both Hellraiser and Nightbreed to life in the form of […]
Clive Barker bringing Hellraiser and Nightbreed to TV

You may not know this, but I’m a pretty big Clive Barker fan. His books, his art, his movies. One of my favorite movies of Clive’s is Nightbreed. This particular movie seemed destined for greatness. It was based on the Barker story Cabal — which was incredible fodder for film. […]
Nightbreed Director’s Cut LIVES!

For anyone that knows me, and knows me well, you know that I have this ridiculous infatuation with Clive Barker. He is, as most would say, my idol. And unlike most fans in the Barkerverse, my author-crush is not simply because of his creation of one the finest characters in […]