
I remember, long ago, the day when U2 released their album Zooropa. That was the moment everyone realized that their favorite Irish band had sold out, in a failed attempt to gain traction in the pop charts. They dumbed down their music, added elements of popular trends of the time, and […]

On the “sell out”

“If music be the food of life, play on!” I make no bones about the fact that music is precious cargo to me. To that end, I decided, for whatever reason, to list out my favorite songs of the year, starting with my high school graduation date to the current […]

Favorite Songs of the Year 1986-2013

Everyone in the Jackverse knows how important music is to me. It has served me in so many ways over the years — as motivation, joy, emotional healing…therapy. Music has also, in many cases, been a source of inspiration for me when writing. For example: Breaking Benjamin’s ‘Evil Angel’ was […]

In This Moment’s “Blood”: Beyond great music — inspiration

Last night, I was brushing my teeth when it hit me — an idea for a new book. No, the new book had squadoosh to do with brushing teeth, dentifrice, flouride, choppers, or teeth in general. The idea, however, excited the crap out of me (and the toothpaste, as I […]

Inspriation comes in the strangest places, at the strangest times