This is a glimpse into the world of Grim, The Reaper, from my Reapers series. Just as he thinks something amazing is about to happen, fate gives him the reach around…and not in the good way. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
It’s been a long time since the Zombie Radio Podcast ended. I found a strange comfort and joy in bringing this character back to life, even though his circumstances have clearly changed. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Hell’s Muse is a very complex horror novel I wrote a few years ago. This is a short film I created from that story … a look inside the mind and life of the main character, Bob. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
This is a monologue, taken directly from my novel “I Zombie I,” in which the main character, Jacob Plummer, has just confessed to his fellow survivors his intentions…and his disappointment to their reaction. A bit of trivia: This is the monologue that gave me the title for the novel. I […]
This is another monologue, based on my fEaR series (published by Devil Dog Press). This is the main character, Vega, talking about what caused the rise of cannibalism and what drove him to medicine. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
I wasn’t quite happy with the original take of this, so I did something tweaking. I’ve left both versions up, so you can compare what I’ve don with the two. It’s a study in subtlety. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Here’s a new original monologue I wrote and performed, for the upcoming release of my gothic ghost novel, “The Ghosts of Brookhaven.” Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr