Lie Zombie Lie

Someone asked me the other day…”What is the best order to read the I Zombie series?” To answer that question, I created a simple graphic that will help you understand the most optimal order in which to read this series. Ladies and gentlefunk, here ’tis! Do enjoy (click image for […]

The order in which you should read the I Zombie ...

Ho Ho Hello! It’s the holidays and even the Jackverse isn’t immune. And when you think of the holidays, the first thing to come to mind is the Twelve Days of Christmas. Granted I always hear Bob and Doug McKenzie singing their version of the song. But! It’s time for […]

Twelve days of Christmas: Zombie Style

It seems I’ve had the mark of the beast slapped upon my forehead once again (this time by Danielle Blanchard). That mark? The next big thing. But since this is the second time I’ve been tagged as the ‘Next big thing’, I’m calling this the NEXT next big thing. What’s […]

The NEXT next big thing

Yes, I am openly admitting that I spent countless hours of my youth (eh hem…) sitting at a table, dice in hand, battling ogres, demons, and dragons. It’s a badge I wear with pride because all of those D&D (AD&D, Vampire: The Masquerade, Heroes, and more) campaigns taught me how […]

How Dungeons & Dragons taught me to survive the apocalypse

Here in the Jackverse I often have cool bits of news to report. But this time around, I have something so incredibly, insanely, ridiculously awesome… you might fall to bits upon reading the words. So I preface this announcement with a warning — please put on your best straight jacket […]

News made of awesome

Oh how I have longed for this moment! Here, for your listening pleasure is the full-blown, insanely cool, smexy-sounds of the Zombie Response Team interviewing good ol’ Jack. Do enjoy. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr

Zombie Response Team Interviews Jack

Hello everyone in the Jackverse (And for those that aren’t sure of what “Jackverse” means: It’s anyone who dips their toes into my little world — and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part.)! I have something fun I want to start. This “fun” was […]

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