It’s that time again. I was sent a two-fold question from reader Jeremy Hunt . Jeremy asks: I have a question for Ask Jack. Of all your books, which did you enjoy writing most, and which are you most proud of? Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Hello everyone in the Jackverse (And for those that aren’t sure of what “Jackverse” means: It’s anyone who dips their toes into my little world — and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part.)! I have something fun I want to start. This “fun” was […]
Get your fan photos in

Last week I published Lie Zombie Lie. This was a milestone for me on a number of levels. First of all, this is the fourth novel in the I Zombie series and offers both myself and my readers proof in the brain pudding that Bethany Nitshimi and company are here […]
10 Things I’ve Learned After Writing 10 Books
A game of death. A battle for life. The slaughter of the innocent is at hand and a dreadful game that began during The Depression, has come to claim new victims. Death has found a new dealer and the game a new ferocity. Detectives Jamie Davenport and Skip Abrahms find […]
Endgame is now on sale!

Good day my dearest lovelies. I’ve been wanting to write this post for quite some time now. Why have I hesitated? Mostly I was just waiting to reach the point where my ego wouldn’t be bruised by showing my very early efforts at creating covers for my own books. Of […]
Fabulous Friday: The evolution of a cover

Ladies and gentlemen of the Jack-verse, I have a Dog Star level question for you at this moment. It’s not a hard question (nor will you be graded on your response), but it’s one I’ve been pondering of late and decided maybe it would be best to reach out to […]
A question for my readers
Here on Get Jack’d I’m starting a few new regular series of posts. We can’t have things getting stale — stale is so … yesterday! So to keep things minty fresh I introduce to you the first in my regular blogs Misfit Monday. Now many of you might be rolling […]
Misfit Monday: The Goth

It wasn’t until I was doing a touring a show along the east coast and Canada that I had that magical moment of falling under the spell of a villain. That villain was Shakespeare’s Richard III as portrayed by the brilliant Colm Feore. When Mr. Feore limped onto the stage […]
Creating Killers
Today’s sample comes from the second book of the Fringe Killer series. This book, Gothica, takes a turn for the paranormal and pits Jamie and Skip up against a ghost from the past. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Sample Sunday: Gothica
As many of you know, I am taking a very short breaking from the zombieverse to go back to some of my best friends in the Fringe Killer series. At the moment I am about twenty five percent complete with the first draft of Endgame and I wanted to share […]
Skip Abrahm and real-world heroes
Recently I had been torn about what to write next. I finished the first draft of Die Zombie Die, which meant I was now ready to start writing something new (I always have a first draft and first rewrites going at once). I developed two new ideas: A new zombie […]
Back to the Fringe Killers: Feels like coming home
In the second book of the “Fringe Killer” series, Detective Davenport finds herself dealing with horror brought to life from the past. A killer is terrorizing the same building that held him prisoner – decades ago. A killer from the past manages to escape the bonds of time and redefines […]
Sample Sunday: Gothica
It’s time ladies and gents…time for me to begin the great giveaway circus. That’s right, for those interested, there shall be prizes. The prizes? My books (what did you expect, a brand new car? A cool zombie butler?). What I am going to do is start with giving away digital […]
The Great Giveaway
Today is #samplesunday again and this time I am treating you will snippet from my first paranormal thriller, Gothica. For those of you who do not know of Gothica, the description reads a little something like this: In the second book of the “Fringe Killer” series, Detective Davenport finds herself […]
Sample Sunday: Gothica
Could it be Sunday already? If so, that could only mean one thing: Sample Sunday! That’s right everyone — Sample Sunday, that day where indie authors post up samples of their work for you to read and enjoy. This time I dug deep into the heart of my paranormal thriller, […]