
Tick, tock, tick tock — the clock is about to strike and Shero is about to be unleashed onto the reading public. Why is that so important? Shero is chic-lit, with a twist (a BIG twist) of gender-bending, super hero hilarity. The full-blown novel will hit the shelves this month, […]

Sample Sunday: Shero

Since it’s Mother’s Day today, I thought what a wonderful thing to share the joy of zombies with all those mothers out there. So, a second sample sunday is in order. This time, from my book I Zombie I. If you’re interested in purchasing this book, you can find the […]

Sample Sunday: I Zombie I

Are you ready to dance with a devil in the dark? I know you are and very soon you will be able to do just that. Within the next couple of days, Gothica should be live and ready to spook you in the middle of the night. Follow Email PostShare […]

Gothica Update