Summer Of Zombie: Mark Tufo

Originally posted on Armand Rosamilia’s Summer of Zombie Tour

mark1-copyI am honored to once again be a part of Armand’s Summer of Zombie Blog Tour. I’m honestly quite amazed he keeps inviting me back, I’m kind of a pain in the ass and rarely take anything seriously. With that being said part of the tour is supplying blog posts so I turned the question over to my readers and asked them what they would like to know about me. Below is one of the folks suggestions that I chose.

Sean Moriarty How much the support of your many many fans means to you and how it influences you.

Ah fans how I love thee so, let me count the ways! It was one fan many moons ago that kept me from pulling the plug on the whole author experiment. I’d put out the first Zombie Fallout book, I’d just come off a forced vacation from my previous job (laid off) and we could not even begin to contemplate laying down money for editing it just wasn’t in the budget, we were beyond broke. When we first released the book it honestly wasn’t with any intention of people buying it, it was more like ‘Wow how cool is that I have a book on Amazon!’ Yay me!

Then lo and behold about a year later folks did start buying it. Got a couple of good reviews then I started getting hammered into the ground because of the editing. It was brutal, people who hadn’t even read the book would throw their opinions in. I was like ‘eff this who the hell needs this kind of stress’. One night I was feeling pretty down, I was literally about to head up the stairs and tell my wife to take the book down I just didn’t want any more part of it. I then get the little notification saying I’ve got an email, I open it up. It’s from a reader, Rich Baker as a matter of fact. I didn’t know him then but the basic contents of the email were, screw the haters you tell a great story just keep rolling with it.

He kept me from hitting the purge button so I can’t imagine a reader having a bigger impact than that, he literally saved my career. Of course we’ve thankfully had a small army of professionals go over ZF1 and clean it up so what you’ve read since is much better than the original story. Now going forward as more readers have hopped onto the ZF train I feel like we’ve become one huge family, I know that sounds all touchy feely, but come on, you know if you’ve ever reached out to me, I do my best to get back to you as quickly as I can and I am always sincere in my appreciation of all you’ve done for my family and myself.

You guys are everything to me, without your support I’m just some weird guy with a long goatee who taps away at a keyboard. You guys always help when I ask, I’ve gotten story ideas from you, we commiserate together when a character dies or won’t, you know who I’m talking about. I see the criticism with certain storylines and obviously I can’t make everyone happy but when I see a trend I can and will alter a story hoping to give readers more of what they want. So basically I cannot even begin to express how much you guys influence me, probably more than you know. And to each and every one of you, thank  you. You still can’t have Henry though.

About Summer of Zombie

The stench of rotting flesh is in the air! Welcome to the Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2015, with 30+ of the best zombie authors spreading the disease in the month of June.

Stop by the event page on Facebook so you don’t miss an interview, guest post or teaser…and pick up some great swag as well!

Giveaways galore from most of the authors as well as interaction with them!

#SummerofZombie is the hashtag for Twitter, too!