I Zombie I: Kindle Edition


i_zombie_i_cover_reduxKindle edition of I Zombie I



i_zombie_i_cover_redux“A terrific, nail biting, page turner: I finished this book in one sitting. Smart in its plausibility, I Zombie I is not only a great work of sheer horror-entertainment (while often poking some wicked fun at the very genre of zombie fiction), Wallen manages to, amidst the chaos, gore, and rapid fire suspense — throw some honest philosophical food for thought into the novel regarding the very nature of humanity and how fragile that thing that makes us *us* actually is.” — M. Frastley (San Francisco, CA)

“Jack is a brilliant writer and he can make your head spin with his storytelling wiles. Jack tells us his take on Zombies without the feeling like we are being slammed by yet another Zombie book or movie.” — Albert Robbins III

All he wanted was a Pulitzer.

It took only one bite for journalist Jacob Plummer to find the story of a life time — his own downward spiral into the zombie abyss. As Jacob slowly transforms into one of the undead, he discovers a truth that could spare the world from extinction.

While Jacob struggles to reveal the conspiracy behind the virus, he must fight off his own inner zombie and the undead masses to save the human race, the woman he loves, and a planet ripped apart by the Mengele Virus.