New Years Resolutions: Jack Style

By the time you read this, the Eternal Clock will have ticked one more stop toward the final end. That’s right, it’s 213 now and time for the tried and true “resolutions”. No, I’m not going to spout off about exercising more (already work out five times a week), eating better (though I REALLY could benefit from this), nor am I going to even mention taking time to stop and smell flowering plants (already know that roses smell wonderful). What I want to do is drop some truth and reality on you — Jack style!

Resolution the first: Move! Both the wife and I need a change of landscape. We’re not sure where it’s going to land us — it might land us in another state, or just across town. But as soon as the better half graduates from cosmetology school, we are up and out ‘dis bitch. Should this move take us away from Louisville, I can say it’s been a great ride here; but both of us long to escape ol’ Man Winter all together.

Resolution the second: Refine, refine, refine. Recently a major hiccup in my writing process occurred and now I am in the middle of making some major changes to that process. I won’t get into the details, but suffice it to say, the end result is going to rock every sock ever placed on a foot — period!

Resolution the third: Branch out. I’ve already decided, once T-Minus Zero is complete, I’m going to start writing the first of many Steampunk novels. That’s right, Klockwerk Kaberet is finally going to see the oil-lamp light of day. After that, I’ll get giddy over another Shero title (Shero vs. The Pink Fog). Then, only the shadow knows.

Resolution the fourth: Stop. Pause. Restart. I’ve spent so much of my life driving forward. This year, I’m going to allow myself to pause and just enjoy a stolen, still moment. I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to be free of the shackles of the pursuit of ‘something’. I want to allow myself to pursue absolutely nothing at times.

Resolution the fifth: Voice it baby! I plan on doing a lot more audio books this year. I’ve started out slow, just to make sure I still have the chops. By the end of the year, I want to have that gig seriously ramped up. So, if you’re looking for someone to record your audio book, hit me up!

Resolution the sixth: If ‘momma ain’t happy…’. My dad always said “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” I do try, very hard, to make sure my lovely wife is happy. This year, I’m going to redouble those efforts to ensure she knows how truly special she is and how much I adore her.

Resolution the seventh: Eat better, exercise more, stop and smell… oh wait! Sorry about that. I relapsed.

Resolution the eighth: Better blogging. Even if it means I only blog once a week, I want to make every one of them count. If there’s a topic you want me to touch on, let me know. What exactly this means, I really have no idea. I’m in a bit of a flux at the moment, so where this all lands, only that dude lurking in the darkened corner knows.

Resolution the ninth: Collaborate with a band. I want to collaborate with a band on a book/album work. I’d love to find a killer band interested in doing a horror or steampunk concept album. If that’s you, hit me up.

Resolution the tenth: Music is the food of life. I want to keep discovering new music. At the end of 2012, my new music obsession was Coheed and Cambria. I want to keep this up and fine even more incredible sounds. They’re out there. If you have a suggestions, kick it my way!

Okay, I could keep droning on and on (as I am wont to do), but I’m going to stop here. You get the idea. Bigger, faster, funnier. That’s what 2013 will be for me.

Thank you all, so very much, for being a part of my world. I hope you will continue reading and connecting. Have a glorious 2013 all!