Middletown 2 The Interview: Jay Wilburn

What makes the apocalyptic genre so appealing to you?

It strips away everything holding the characters together. All their boundaries, securities, and personas are gone. They are left to deal with their raw core.

What about this project was uniquely challenging to you?

It flips the way I normally write. I would normally dive into action and let the character be discovered over time. Since everyone is rewriting the same character, I have to establish my distinct version first and then build the story off of that.

What draws you to projects like this?

This project shows the real potential of a zombie story. It demonstrates more than any other zombie anthology that anything is possible.

If there was one thing key to your writing style, what would that be?

Characters with layers and conflicting motivations. I like showing the two wolves at war within people and the character’s spirit gets bloody as he struggles to figure out which one gets fed.

If someone were to write you into an apocalyptic story, what would be the plot?

A sick and tired character struggles to survive the simple things before he even gets to the real dangers.


Jay Wilburn lives with his wife and two sons in Conway, South Carolina near Myrtle Beach. He taught school for sixteen years before becoming a full time author. He is the author of the Dead Song Legend, The Great Interruption, and The Enemy Held Near. He is a regular columnist for Dark Moon Digest. Follow him @AmongTheZombies on Twitter and at JayWilburn.com