Kindle Scout Update: Day 27

Sometimes artists simply aren’t good with maths.

And yes, I like saying it in the plural in the same way I prefer the British pronunciation of zebra (“zehbra”, sounds classier, don’t ya think?).

What am I talking about? Well, the title of today’s post is Day 27 and yet…and yet…I have but 2 days left.


Remember your maths from elementary school?

Ah, but being a major geek/nerd, I know that counting actually starts at zero. You remember that number…the one, according to The Fixx, we shall all be saved by? So could it be that the Kindle Scout campaign started on 0 and will actually end on day 29? If you do that maths, it does, in fact, add up to 30.

What does this have to do with Kindle Scout?

Outside of a numbering system? Not much. But it’s day 27 of this campaign. Ask anyone who’s gone through this madness and they will tell you the same thing…at some point, you run out of things to say. Me? I’ve always got something to say, even if it’s about the number zero.

He is my hero after all.

What I’ve learned

In one particular Facebook group I happen to be a part of, I was asked to take over for two days and chat about the craft of writing. Of course, being as how it’s the end of my campaign, I thought I should mention it in some way. What I wound up doing is spewing out a list of the things I’d learned (during my Kindle Scout campaign) with regards to marketing. Here’s said list:

  • Facebook groups rarely, if ever, work anymore for direct promotion.
  • The best way to make the most out of Facebook groups is to get people actually discussing your work (not just hit and run posting).
  • Even better for Facebook groups…get others to post for you.
  • The best way to spread the word on Facebook is to get others to spread the word. By doing this, your reach can enjoy exponential expansion.
  • Facebook retweet groups are an incredible resource.
  • Using a tool like Buffer to schedule tweets throughout the night is invaluable (especially with their analytics tool).
  • Create as many marketing images as you can…but keep with some specifics (such as font choice and general theme).
  • Make sure all marketing material is well edited and professional looking.
  • Google+ does not work at all.
  • Fresh and interesting tag lines go a very long way (don’t use the same one over and over). I tried to create a new tagline daily for my KS campaign. Some worked much better than others.
  • Tools like Headtalker and Thunderclap are invaluable.
  • Always thank people for sharing. Always.

It’s not a definitive list, by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s one that helped me make it through this thirty-day stint…and one I’ll be carrying forward with every book I’ve ever written.


You’re going to miss this part, when it’s all said and done. It’s okay, you can admit it.


I am but a scant 38 hours from 500. With two days left, I only need 19 hours each of those days. Exciting times! Can he do it? Can he ever do it?

Again, I say, “thank you”

I cannot say this enough: Thank you to everyone who has managed to help me and Suicide Station get where we are. It’s been a pleasure getting to know new people and see everyone grow excited about this release. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If you’ve not yet had the chance to check out the campaign, you’ll find it here. Give the sample a read and, if you feel it worthy, click the Nominate Me button. Share it with your friends, family, fish, leeks, and socks!