Kindle Scout Update: Day 25

Repeat after me: Four days left.

Four days left.

Four days.



Don’t we all feel better now? I thought you might.

Me and the daughter, post manicure.

Me and the daughter, post manicure.

So I’ve grown to depend upon Buffer. I’ve mentioned it twice before, in this series, but feel like I should give it one last bit of promo. The tool is indispensable for anyone that promotes with Twitter. Not only does it allow you to schedule retweets, it also allows you to schedule your own tweets (including images), uses its own link shortener, offers an outstanding analytics tool…and that’s just the free version. If you want to move up to the “awesome” version ($10.00 USD/month), you gain more tweets in your buffer (the free version only allows 10 at a time), you can add extra schedules, you can add an RSS feed to your buffer, and more. So far I’ve been sticking with the free version, but plan on signing up for an awesome once my Kindle Scout campaign is over. Why wait? Currently I’m spending most of my time promoting my campaign. Once it is over, I’ll be going back to promoting all my books…which will require a considerably larger “buffer” than 10 posts. Yes, I can always resort to Tweetdeck (it has a good scheduler), but with that tool you get no analytics.

Why is that analytic feature important? Say, for example, you want to test which images work best for promotion (something I’ve been doing lately). With Tweetdeck, you cannot do that. With Buffer, however, you can. It’s also a perfect tool for finding out the optimum times for your specific Twitter feed (NOTE: This is not automatic, you have to manually scan through your anayltics page to discern this information).

That was a boring bit of promo. The only way I could make it interesting was to add an image of me and my lovely daughter after she’d just given me a manicure. Like her mother, she rocks.

Anyway…Buffer. It’s not a vampire slayer, but it’s still pretty groovy.

What’s next?

You may not know this…but my glorious editor, Sara Marian, is currently doing her first pass on my cyberpunk thriller, Lament. I hope to have that ready for release by the end of April. I’m pretty stoked about that book, because I’ve been wanting to get into the cyberpunk genre for a very long time. Back in the 90s, I couldn’t get enough of Gibson, Stephenson, Morgan, and so many others. If a book looked like it could fall into the realm of cyberpunk…I read it. Now, I get to unleash my own take on the genre.

Mu. Ha. Ha.


You take and you take and you take.

I kid…with love.


I finally broke that 400 hours mark in H&T and sneaked beyond the 2K page views. I have four days to get 86 hours of H&T. But, honestly, even if I don’t break that barrier, I can’t complain about my stats. I’ve had such wonderful support from everyone and I am so touched and grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If, by chance, you’ve not checked out the Suicide Station campaign page, I would very much appreciate your support. Head on over to the campaign page, read the sample, and (if you feel it worthy) click the Nominate Me button. Keep sharing, keep talking this book up, and make sure to check out the other Kindle Scout books.