It’s LIVE! Get your copy of “I Zombie I”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, after many months of re-tooling, re-working, and practically re-booting, I Zombie I is finally ready for your reading pleasure.

Not only are you able to download a copy of the ebook for a scant $0.99 cents, soon you will be able to purchase a full-blown paperback of the first in the “I Zombie” series. But until those paperbacks arrive in stores (and libraries!), you’ll have to get your eyes on the ebook copy.

And where can you purchase this book that is being called the “I Am Legend for the zombie genre?” Here are the sites:

Barnes & Noble


Do note that the Barnes & Nobel entry is currently using the old cover for the book. Hopefully that will sync soon.

As soon as the paper back editions of the book are for sale, I will post the news here on Get Jack’d.

Thank you all, and Enjoy!