I Zombie I update

It’s been a while since I have had an update for my first zombie novel I Zombie I. But today, I have one!!!! The update isn’t an announcement that the book is now for sale (patience, patience)…but it’s still a good one.

I had a conversation today with my editor. She just started working on the book today and had a question right out of the starting gate. The question was regarding the use of the “recording device” my main character used throughout the book. Her fear was most regarding formatting issues, but it turned into a much deeper and different conversation. That conversation wound up with a fairly significant change to the book that, I believe, makes it even stronger. This change not only makes the entire book more fluid, it also allows for the transition to the second book, My Zombie My, much smoother.

I don’t want to go into the specifics of the change, as I want that to be discovery for the readers. Suffice it say, the book is going to be awesome and I do believe anyone who enjoys a good zombie story will really like this trilogy.