Hell Unleashed

In the beginning was the Word – and the word Was a lie.

And now, I give unto thee, the reading world, my most epic and twisted tale — Hell’s Muse. Dare you venture into The Nameless Saga? Dare you challenge your heart, mind, and soul? You dare, and in the dare, you leap on board the darkest hayride you’ve yet to read.

What is Hell’s Muse?

A struggling writer dives into the dark pits of madness to create his most perfect work – a parallel of his own life, only twisted into a malignant hatred. When the written word opens a gateway to Hell, every truth the writer believes is challenged, every lie made truth.

As a trail of death and sorrow spills from the words, the writer is drawn into an unholy abyss to become Hell’s Muse.

The first entry into The Nameless Saga is now available at the following locations:

Barnes & Noble

Very soon the paperback and the iTunes editions will be live! Of course, we all know that “live” is “evil” spelled backwards!