After much consideration, I have decided I am going to hold off on the publication of Gothica. There is a very good reason for this. Gothica is the second book in the “Fringe Killer” series and it makes no sense to relaunch this book prior to the launch of the first book in the series, A Blade Away. What this means is I have pushed the edit date of A Blade Away up so I can get this titles on sale as soon as possible. The end will certainly justify the means in this case.
One of the reasons for this, is that A Blade Away introduces both Jamie and Skip to the reader and I feel this introduction, although not necessary for the enjoyment of Gothica, very much helps to enrich the experience and give the read the full Jamie and Skip effect.
During certain scenes of Gothica, reference is made to the previous killer, Lakme, which is the subject of the first book. There are also characters from A Blade Away that make cameo appearances in th Gothica. To fully grasp where they are coming from, it helps to have read the first in the series.
As I have said before, I am thrilled about the product that will be available soon. I fully believe the process they are currently undergoing will make these titles a much more enjoyable read from cover to cover. Thank you so much for your patience as you wait, with baited breath, for the re-launch of A Blade Away and Gothica.