Fabulous Friday: Sydney Jasmine Cannon

I have the fabulous pleasure of having a darling of a human on Fabulous Friday. Her name is Sydney Jasmine Cannon and she is responsible for organizing the Facebook Event “Let’s Make People “Cross”. Naturally she is a perfect fit for the world of one particular superhero we all know and love, and should be perfectly at home here on Get Jack’d. So, without further adieu, I give you, the ever-lovely Sydney.

JW: This event has a very special place in my heart. I love you for doing this. What brought about this event?

SJC: I’ve never understood all the double standards in life and I’ve always wanted to change things about the world. I want people to see others for who they are, not what they are. And I think this event could do that.

JW: What ties do you have to the cross dressing community?

SJC: My mom has transvestite and transgender friends. I was just raised knowing it was okay and normal. I cross dress myself all the time.

JW: What do you hope to accomplish with Let’s Make People “Cross”?

SJC: Acceptance and equality. For people to realize that we are all unique so that in essence makes us all the same. So we should naturally just accept each other

JW: Equality is vital for society; but it’s rarely achieved. From race, to religion, to sex, to sexual orientation, we as a race can’t seem to get it right. What would you do to fix this problem?

SJC: We always see others for what they are. Gay, straight, bisexual, black, white, Christian, catholic, republican, whatever. You know that and you don’t even know the person for who they are. So I’d have people see the who and not the what

JW: You’re a member of a much younger generation than I. Do you find acceptance easier to come by with your peers or with older generations?

SJC: Well, sometimes I only get acceptance with the older generation. With my mom and her friends, they usually are more okay with me cross dressing or being different. Yes, my friends accept me but often do I get outcasted. If I dress like a man, I’m labeled as a “dike” but with my moms generation it’s more of, “she’s experimenting”

JW: Speaking from experience, it’s not easy to open yourself up in public and wear the clothing of the opposite sex. It’s takes real courage. Have you gone through this personally, or have you had to bolster the confidence of friends or family so they can be honest with themselves out in the crazy, unforgiving world?

SJC: I’ve gotten made fun of before for cross dressing and for a long time, I stopped. I was scared to ever do it again. One day though, my mom helped me get the courage to do it again. I’ve also had to help friends get the courage up to do it because they want to. They cross dressed and I was with them and they got many ride remarks, each time though, I made sure they knew that they were beautiful though and that the people didn’t know how to react to such beauty.

JW: Our society is okay with women wearing the clothing of men. Our society accepts “tom boys” and the “tough girl” or “strong woman” is often celebrated and/or thought sexy. Why do you think the opposite doesn’t hold true for men? And will being a “girly boy” or a “feminine man” ever be accepted?

SJC: I think that eventually, yes it will be accepted. It just has to be something that’s given more light upon and has to be known as accepted.

JW: What would you like to see come of the event you have created? Do you plan on taking this further?

SJC: I want acceptance, equality, love. And I would like people to see each other for who they are. I know I’ve said that so many times already but thats what I’m trying to achieve. I plan on doing more to create more love and acceptance. I actually have a group on facebook, it’s very small now, that I will try to continually update that does with this acceptance and equality.

JW: You have pink hair in your pictures. It’s adorable. So I take it you’re a bit of a rebel? What is it you rebel against the most?

SJC: I just like the way the pink hair looked. It’s something that I really liked because I thought it was pretty. I know that’s simple but it’s the only way I can put it. Maybe I rebel against the fact that just because someone is different or odd on the outside doesn’t mean theyre bad. I just hate stereotypes so I try to brake the mold and be them all.

JW: Is there anything you’d like to tell the world right now? Just lay it all out. Be as fabulous as you possibly can!

SJC: I think what defines a person is who they are and what they live for. Not what they are or what they’ve done… Who a person is, isnt what a person is. What I am is a bisexual lady who doesn’t have a specific religion and likes odd colored hair. Who i am is completely different. People look at the what, not the who. People will base what a person is for how they should treat them. They don’t take the time to know the who.

Who we are isn’t what we’ve done or what we are. Who we are is our very being and soul. Who we are is made by love and hate. Pain and pleasure. Both make us who we are.

What we are our human beings

Who we are is never the same per person. And it’s made and found in different ways for every being on this planet.

And there you have it my lovelies…words of incredible heart and wisdom. We all have something to learn from this young shining example of humanity. And for more information about the event, visit the  “Let’s Make People Cross” page. And if you need more incentive, I’m going to give away a free ebook copy of Shero to anyone posting a pic of themselves cross dressing on the Facebook page. More information on that later.