“Die Zombie Die” has begun!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce the beginning of the final entry to my Zombie trilogy “Die Zombie Die”.  This time the main character shifts to yet another perspective only this time it’s not who you might expect.

This has been the progression so far:

  • I Zombie I had Jacob at the helm, protecting Bethany.
  • My Zombie My had Bethany (another survivor) pick up the pen and continue on.

Die Zombie Die takes a completely different approach and switches…are you ready for this?…to the bad guy. That’s right, the final entry in the Zombie Trilogy will be told from the perspective of Professor Daniel Joy Michaels who was integral in events that took place prior to I Zombie I. I won’t give away what events she had her fingers and mind into…but I will say having her take the reigns of the story will make for a very unique final entry.

I will say that this is the first time I have struggled to begin one of the Zombie books. The first two just flowed out of me as if coming from a dream. The third became a challenge simply because I couldn’t get a handle on the new protagonist. After a couple of false starts I wrapped my brain and my heart around her and everything picked up steam.

There will be a lot of twists and turns in the finale and I believe it will be well worth the wait! I know I am thrilled to be taking this ride. I will keep you updated as the book progresses.