Ladies and gentlefunk of the Zombie Radio nation…
Sorry, sorry…wrong announcer. Eh hem…
It’s been a very long time since we’ve tracked the progress of Bethany and company. That ends August 21st, 2014. That’s right, the next novel in the I Zombie series hits the airwaves and, my dear friends, you are in for a treat. Those that have previewed Cry Zombie Cry have praised it by saying it is, hands down, the best in breed and the best in the series.
I have to confess, this is the longest it has ever taken me to release a book. The wait, I believe, will have been worth it. Not convinced? Let me get you all a tingle with a description of the book.
With the Guignol Gang fully armed and prepared to defend the castle, Bethany and company are off to see the Wizard of Odd.
The long-awaited entry to the I Zombie series has arrived.
And it’s ready to rock.
Bethany Nitshimi is back and ready to crush the Zero Day Collective with a wall of sound. Together with the metal band Unsun, Bethany will have the undead horde banging their heads until brain runs thick in the streets.
If it’s too loud, you’re too old…or dead.
Now…are you ready to re-join Bethany and company for a ride you’ll never forget? August 21st is the big day.