Book giveaways

So my latest promotional offerings have been Facebook giveaways. What I love about doing this is how eager readers are to gobble up books when they are free. It’s a great way to get peoples eyes on your words, interact with possible fans, and remind yourself how precious the joy of reading and writing is.

As I am beginning to see, being constantly in the eyes of the public is the only way to grow any sort of following. The old model of publishing did this by putting the hardbacks and paperbacks on the shelves – right in the eyes of the users. Agents also set up book signing tours and other fun marketing tools. Now…ebooks have made it such that writers must make their way into every possible social network they can. So…how can you find, follow, stalk, creep me in this networks? Here are the links to do so:

As I join other social networks I will make them known. But for now, along with this blog, the above are the best ways to keep track of what is going on in my literary life. Of course you might wind up reading more than just my literary life…but that’s just the added bonus of the new world digital order.

But as for the giveways – they will continue. How else can we unknown authors build a fan base? So for those of you interested, keep an eye out on the links above. Stalk me and you might just get a free ebook of mine to read. 😉