A lot of irons in the fire

I was talking on the phone with my editor yesterday discussing the plan for re-launching my books. Obviously the conclusion we arrived at was to first re-launch the “Fringe Killer” series in order, followed by the first in my Zombie trilogy, finally to be followed up by Shero. During the discussion that lead to the decision, my editor wanted to know what my next plans were. She was a bit surprised at how much I already had loaded up in the cannon.

In fact, I was somewhat surprised when I spit out the number of books I have in various stages of “started”. The list looks like:

  • Third entry in the Fringe Killer series outlined and started.
  • Sequel to Shero outlined and started.
  • Second entry in Zombie trilogy first draft completed (first rewrites started.)
  • Final entry in the Zombie trilogy first draft started.
  • Outline for two one-off books complete.

The above list doesn’t even include the idea for other one-offs such as:

  • One horror novel (dealing with inbreeding.)
  • One psychological thriller dealing with bi-polar disorder.
  • At least three more completed ideas for “Fringe Killer” novels.

It seems a bit overwhelming when I look at it, but in a good way.

I remember when wrote the final word in my first novel, nearly ten years ago. I sat back and just stared at the screen. I felt like I had accomplished something. That novel was A Blade Away and will be soon published as an ebook for all the major distributors. It wasn’t until I completed the second novel, Gothica, that I really felt something. What that second novel told me was the first wasn’t a fluke. I could really do this! So now, have ideas in the hopper means I can continue writing. And when those ideas are gone, more will come.

But let’s look at the order which I will attack these upcoming books. Here’s my plan (which will take effect as soon as Die Zombie Die is complete.):

  1. Next Fringe Killer book (Working title – “The Halloween Game”.)
  2. Sequel to Shero (Working title Shero: Attack of the fashion zombies.)
  3. Nails of Cavalry (Horror novel.)
  4. Next Fringe Killer book
  5. Disorder (psychological thriller – working title)

When the above are complete I will then have twelve books published. Before that final book is complete, I’m confident plenty of new ideas will cross the synapse of my brain.

Knowing that the titles are lined up and anxious to be given life fills me with a satisfaction I am hard-pressed to find anywhere else. I have worlds to create, lives to manipulate…but most importantly, readers to entertain. After all, that’s what it’s all about right?

You put your left foot in.

You put your left foot out.

By the way, how does one “put their left foot out”?