Ladies and gentlegiants of the Jackverse, Hell’s Muse has been shipped to edit! That means but one thing — a new project! But what to begin? I’ve bounced back and forth between ideas so much my head is swimming with possibility. But, in the end, I must make a choice […]
Yearly Archives: 2012

The holidays are almost upon us. That time of year when everyone’s stress levels reach epic heights and family becomes a central and contentious theme. That’s right — we all love our families while at the same time we want to strangle them! I kid! I kid with handfuls of […]
Ten different things to be thankful for

It’s that time again in the Jackverse where some rouser of rabble winds up on the hot seat hoping the temperature doesn’t get turned up so much their panties get singed. And then… there’s Emma Jameson. She’s the writer of cozy mysteries that’ll have you curled up under many a […]
Emma Jameson gets Jack’d
Many of you probably know by now, I am working with the metal band Unsun. What started out to be a one-off effort has turned into much, much more. I have now submitted to them lyrics for four songs and am now working on a fifth. I’d worked in the […]
The art of writing lyrics
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The Jackverse: Attack of the Nunja
Welcome back to the Jackverse, where the power is always on and the soda pop is free flowing! Today’s topic might well be near and dear to you all — television! That’s right TV’s TV! And here in the Jackverse, there’s a theory building up that television itself has jumped […]
Is television jumping it’s own shark?
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Family and the apocalypse

Yes, I am openly admitting that I spent countless hours of my youth (eh hem…) sitting at a table, dice in hand, battling ogres, demons, and dragons. It’s a badge I wear with pride because all of those D&D (AD&D, Vampire: The Masquerade, Heroes, and more) campaigns taught me how […]
How Dungeons & Dragons taught me to survive the apocalypse
When I was in high school I had this little “thing” that got me through troubling times. I would imagine that everything around me was nothing more than a television show and all I had to do to rid myself of whatever was going on was flip a switch. It’s […]
The television show called “life”
In which the DJ expounds on the idea that the Mengele Virus was truly a form of population control. And for those just dying to watch the DJ in action, here’s the video post of this session. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Latest Zombie Radio: Population Control

We’ve all said it before — “in the grand scheme of things…” What does it mean? When you drop in relativity, that grand scheme stranges out very quickly. Not only that, but moment to moment the grand scheme shifts and morphs. So, what is the grand scheme of things? Let’s […]
The grand scheme of things

Muhaha! It’s Halloween… not only in the Jackverse, but EVERYWHERE! It’s time for everyone of a spookier nature to crawl out from under the planks and graves to walk among the normal and living. Freak flags are high on this, the most coveted of holidays for the horror-loving ilk. Normally […]
Happy Halloween!

Are you curious? Are you eeie? If so, most likely you were born of Michelle Muto’s imagination! I am honored to have Michelle join the Jackverse for a nice round of Get Jack’d! So put on your paranormal caps and cloaks and let’s get to the jacking! Follow Email PostShare […]
Michelle Muto Gets Jack’d
Welcome back to Hell! You’ve purchased your ticket and are ready to see a cage match worthy of a soundtrack by GWAR! Our last match saw the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers barely edging out the voice and pimp coat of Candyman. This time around, the ol’ Creeper’s suffering could be […]
The Monster Cage Match: Jeepers Creepers vs. Pinhead
The Monster Cage Match continues on. Last time the fight from Hell took place, Candyman took down Freddie Kreuger. It was snark vs. basso profundo — with ‘the voice’ coming out on top! This time around Candyman has to go up against a rather horrible foe with nasty leather wings […]