Monthly Archives: March 2012

Raise your hand if you’re tired of Hollywood doing little more than remaking, rebooting and sequel’ing, prequel’ing. I see the vast majority of the movie-loving population did their best Arnold Horshack. That’s right — we’re all sick of Hollywood continually showing us they have nothing new up their sleeves. Follow […]

Hollywood remakes out of control: A solution

Recently I’ve been bemoaning the fact that The Walking Dead had become little more than an undead soap opera. Well, as of this past Sunday, the undead horde went Ozzy Osbourne on that drama and bit its head off. It was ugly. it was fierce. It was necessary. Follow Email […]

The Walking Dead: Biting the head off the drama and ...

Disclaimer: These letters are fiction. They are meant for entertainment purposes and are only loosely based on real killers. Killer Missives My name is Craven. That is the only name you need know me by. I am a collector of things – shall we say – morbid. The world has […]

Killer Missives: Armin Meiwes

The Walking Dead has brought some serious street cred to the zombie. And it’s about damn time! The Vampire has had his sparkly time in the spotlight. So move over Count Abula and let some moaners and walkers have their fifteen minutes (but let’s give them a bit more than […]

The Walking Dead: The question of humanity

Equality: The state of being equal. Human rights. Women’s lib. Pride. Integration. Kindness. Acceptance. Humanity… love. It’s all there. Or is it. Across the globe you can find instances of sects of people repressed, mocked, humiliated, persecuted… slaughtered. Why? Because they are different. Either for ethnic, race, religious, sexual persuasion, […]

Fabulous Friday: Equality