No, I didn’t take my favorite zombie in for botox today. What I did was a bit of tweaking to the cover of everyone’s favorite Zombie novel – I Zombie I. Why? Let me tell you a little story. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
It’s been a while since I’ve featured the first of my “I Zombie” trilogy, I Zombie I, here on Get Jack’d for #samplesunday. So, I decided it’s time to treat my readers to a bit of zombie fun. And remember, the second book in the series, My Zombie My, hits […]
Two years ago my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The very evening she was diagnosed I happened to watch a special on the very disease that had begun to strip away not only her memory, but her personality, her self. I watched…and felt like I had been punched in […]
Lately I’ve been developing a bit of a sore spot on my fingertips for many a twitter user. The purpose of twitter was to help build social community, connect with one another, make friends…but obviously the world tends to twist original intent around and make it ugly. Follow Email PostShare […]
One of my beta readers for the upcoming My Zombie My came up with a brilliant idea last night for a promotion for the book — a mock “radio station” slash site akin to those used in My Zombie My. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
Today Get Jack’d is pleased to have snagged a quick interview with, none other than, Shero! So, without further adieu, let’s ask the serious, hard-hitting questions. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
It’s time ladies and gents…time for me to begin the great giveaway circus. That’s right, for those interested, there shall be prizes. The prizes? My books (what did you expect, a brand new car? A cool zombie butler?). What I am going to do is start with giving away digital […]
I had the pleasure of “sitting down” for a chat with Lizzy Ford recently. Instead of the usual Q&A, I decided to simply start a dialog with Lizzy and let it go where it wanted to go. What developed was a genuinely wonderful conversation that I think offers plenty for […]
On a daily basis we are inundated with gossip and news about everything from war to what some dumbassista was caught wearing at WhoCares’ party. Sure the war bit is genuine news that people should know about…but that celebrity bit? Who really cares? But it annoys me to the point […]
One of my favorites books that I penned it due out in early July. So I thought it was time to start building up the suspense, the drama, the sexy, the three-inch-heel’d-liciousness that is Shero! Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
I love zombies. How can you not love their aimless, shambling, mind-chomping goodness? Of course, I have to love zombies — I write about them. But I also like to find silly zombie tidbits. So…I thought I’d share a few of them with you today. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr
A million. A billion. A zillion…infinite. It all started with one and now, well, now it’s a sea of bodies and crashing waves of every day similarities, making it harder and harder to stand out, stand up, and stand over. Follow Email PostShare on Tumblr